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General Questions

Piece of Trading is an educational system. This is a new and innovative way to learn to trade and to invest. It breaks professionally created knowledge into pieces. Every piece contains concentrated knowledge. After that, there are many ways for you to connect those pieces and get the knowledge you need.

With constant monthly updates, the number of pieces will reach 1014. The pricing page is showing exactly how many pieces are there at any current moment. You can also see them in the PieceBoard

Piece of Trading covers almost all financial markets which are good enough for trading. Forex, Stocks, Commodities (Grains, Metals, Softs, Financials, Energies), Bonds, Cryptocurrencies.

Yes! All pieces are available for FREE after quick registration.

For every trader! No matter the size of your wallet or how much experience you have, PieceofTrading can teach you something. It is very useful for traders who tried many other ways to learn trading but with no results. The best way to find if it is right for you is to try it

Map is a visual indication of where you can find pieces of a certain topic. The MAP will show you the coordinates of the pieces you are looking for. Once attached to the PieceBoard it will mark pieces which meet your criteria.

For example: Let’s say you want to find all pieces related to “next recession”. All you need to do is to get that MAP and attach it to the grid (it is easy, don’t worry). Once you’ve done that you’ll see the whereabouts of all “next recession” pieces.

Think of MAP as a curated way to learn something.

Check all available MAPS here.

It is not good to write about yourself. Because it always sounds selfish and biased. But for education, the teacher is as important as the student is. If I want to know who the student (you) is, you must first know the teacher, right? So, here it is:

Hi, my name is Vassil Banov. I am the founder of this educational system and also the author of the content. I am trading since the beginning of 2002. I started with Forex. Then moved to stocks and commodities. My trades usually last from days to months (occasionally years). I am helping traders since 2004. With teaching and other means with the help of the Association of Traders in Bulgaria. Author of a book, former director of a brokerage company, certificates from financial regulators and other stuff can be found in my CV.

What is important is that after so many years I still trade! During those years I’ve struggled to find the right knowledge, the right system, the ideal course, the perfect mentor. I’ve analysed hundreds of thousands of trading accounts and spent countless hours on finding solutions for many problems in trading and education.

Want to learn more about me as a trader? Check the Blog!

No. The market itself will test you. So, study harder 🙂

Not at the moment. Would you like one? Drop us a line here.

10. All of them… no, I am not joking.

OK, now seriously. I do not believe what people say that you can’t learn anything from the books. On the contrary, I really believe that the truth hides in the books. Yes, there are a lot of fake people out there who pretend to be profitable traders and so on. Probably their books suck.

But that doesn’t have to stop you!

In time, you’ll learn to sift the information. Read! Priceless pieces of trading can be found even in the stupidest book.

If you are looking for a starting point, I would recommend the books of Larry Williams. This person has one of the deepest understandings of the market I have ever seen. It comes after years of thorough research. You will learn a lot from him.

No, you cannot! This is copyrighted content. It is strictly forbidden to copy or redistribute any parts of the content. Be warned that there is a special system in place to prevent theft. It also monitors the internet for any release of even a small part of the content. Please respect our efforts to present you all that useful information in an easy-to-understand way.

Yes, the basics.

Piece of Trading does not cover instructions on how to buy or sell on different trading platforms. It also does not cover the basics of technical and fundamental analyses. Before you proceed you must have at least a basic understanding of what is, for example, a bar chart, a trend line, support/resistance levels, unemployment, etc.  

Internet is full of free material. If you find something you are not familiar with, Google it. You can also contact me.

Your question is not here? Please Contact us!

Getting started with PieceofTrading

First, you need to register. It is fast! We ask only for the necessary information. After you have logged in, you will see the pieces. There is a MAP that will show different learning paths. You can start with them.

It depends on what are you looking for and what is your level of experience.

To help you navigate the pieces, we’ve created some useful features:
– Search bar
– Ratings
– Title

If you are new to the markets, maybe you will need to study all the pieces. Start with attaching a MAP that shows content for beginners. Then slowly build up. Don’t rush to open all of them at once. Don’t move to the next piece understanding the previous one.

Advanced traders
Check the MAPs to see if there is any topic you would like to study. Use the search bar to find specific pieces.

Check the pieces with the highest rating. People who studied them considered them to be the most helpful. Beside their rating, every piece has a title that hints at what’s inside. Title and rating can be seen by hovering with the mouse over the piece. If you are using a mobile device, click once on the piece to see its title and rating.

Let’s search for some knowledge!

Choose a MAP and click Attach. Below the PieceBoard you will see the attached map with a checkbox next to it. Every MAP has its own colour. When you attach it all pieces that are included in the MAP will be marked with this colour. You can attach as many MAPs as you want. Just note that only four can be active at a time.

It depends. You might not need to take them all.

If you are an advanced user, you’ll know your weak spots. And you can search only for those pieces which will help you improve in the troubled areas. That can be quite fast.

Otherwise, you’ll need to study most of the pieces. It that case the speed will depend on your ability to absorb the material. Have in mind that some pieces, although very short, can be very difficult to understand. Others are straightforward.

Still, don’t take too many of them per day. It is not important to read them but to understand them.

Read a few pieces and maybe you’ll get an idea of how long it will take.

Your question is not here? Please Contact us!

Payments and Transactions

UPDATE! PieceofTrading.com is now FREE!

PieceofTrading is a subscription service. You can choose between two plans Monthly and Annual subscription. Prices for both plans can be seen here.

We accept credit cards and PayPal.

Instantly! You’ll get full access immediately after the payment is made. 

Yes! 30 days, 100% money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied.No questions asked!

To request a refund please write to support [at] pieceoftrading.com. For more information on refunds please check our Refund policy.

Problems can be connected with something either on www.pieceoftrading.com or PayPal. In both cases please contact us and explain the problem in detail. We are here to help.

Your question is not here? Please Contact us!


If you have opened a piece, and you can’t see the content inside, then the problem might be in the JavaScript of your browser. JavaScript is by default enabled in mainstream web browsers. Piece of Trading is using a proprietary anti-theft system. It needs JavaScript to be enabled to display the content. If you don’t know how to enable JavaScript in your browser, you can try searching in Google. You can also check this FAQ.

JavaScript is by default enabled in mainstream web browsers. It is widely considered being safe. We are using it only to protect the content. We are NOT using it in any harmful way.

This function is blocked. All content in Piece of Trading is copyrighted and can be used only through www.pieceoftrading.com. You are not allowed to save, copy or download the content in any way. The content will be waiting for you on the web whenever you need it. You don’t need to download it.

4. There are a lot of browsers out there. Because of this, we suggest you open Google and to write the following sentence into the search field:

“How to enable JavaScript in my browser” (replace “my browser” with your actual browser)

For example, if you are using Chrome, it will be:
“How to enable JavaScript in Chrome”

Then follow the instructions.

You can always contact us and we’ll help you to enable it.

For protection, we have a special system installed. That system monitors the activity of your account. If it detects something, which can be considered as a violation of our Terms and Conditions or some form of abuse of your account it will block it.

If your account is blocked, please contact us.

For security reasons, automatic account lock is enforced after 10 or more failed login attempts are detected. Please wait for 10 minutes and try again. If necessary recover your password. If you need help please contact us

If you didn’t receive the verification code into your email’s inbox, please check your spam folder. If it is not there the fastest way to get access to our educational system will be to make the registration again. There are only three fields, which usually take less than 30 seconds to be completed.

If you didn’t receive a verification code after your second attempt, please contact us.

Your question is not here? Please Contact us!

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